Ubilus logo

The company Ubilus operates in the areas of Safety, Telematics, Communications & Information Management and Custom Made solutions, i.e. solutions that are developed during the process of research and development (R & D) to solve specific requirements.

The comparative advantage of the company is the ongoing process of Research & Development with a view to incorporating the latest technology in the products offered. As a result of this, the products and the solutions are designed entirely by Ubilus, making products, eventually, fully configurable to cope with the different needs of each client.

The human resources of the company are staffed by software and electronics engineers with long experience in:

  • Software development of secret military programs
  • Design and manufacture of electronic systems
  • Creation of information systems applications
  • Writing Embedded Software and Mobile Phone Applications
  • Implementation of large-scale network infrastructures



DigiTrack installations


DigiTrack contract renewal in municipalities


GoFoBNB: New activity started
